
Thursday 27 October 2016


This maths game was really fun and easy because all I had to do was drag my mouse on the numbers for my character to do a flip. If I started dragging the mouse on the numbers and didn't have enough time to finish, then I would 50 points would be deducted from my score. Unfortunately, I lost on level 7 and ended up with a total score of 27550. Next time I aim to make it up to at least level 9 and to have a higher total score.

Wednesday 26 October 2016


This morning we had basketball with Yaran and Malik. Today we learnt some more new skills. A couple of them that were new to me was to form our hands into a diamond when we catch the ball instead of a "W", and to pocket pass. I enjoyed basketball this morning but I just wish we played outside instead of the hall.

Monday 24 October 2016

Acrostic Alliteration Poem

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Image result for free pictures of flood
Walt: Write an acrostic poem using alliteration

Acrostic Poem: Floods

Big bulging eyes bursting with tears
Lonely loved ones reunite again
Everyone evacuated early
Seven soaked people swam to safety
Surviving salty waves
Exhausted edward entered the room

Dozing down drenched

Friday 21 October 2016

Natural Disasters: Tsunami

A couple of weeks ago it was get ready week and in class, we had to choose a natural disaster that could strike at any time. I choose Tsunami. Choosing a Tsunami as my natural disaster helped me to learn how to be prepared for when the day comes and I even learnt that they are always high on energy and can travel miles across the ocean.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Personification Paragraph

WALT: Write a paragraph using figurative language.

The beach

The blue sky played hide and seek, peeking through the grey clouds allowing the sun to shine through. Powerful Curling waves clashed amongst the sandcastles busting them down, swallowing them in for lunch. Shattered seashells piled and tumbled as the whistling wind thrusted through.

This is my paragraph that I wrote about the beach and added some personification.

Monday 17 October 2016

Equivalent Fractions

This game is called equivalent fractions. In this game I had to match fractions that were equal to each other. I was abit disappointed that there was only three levels because I really enjoyed this game although I got a few wrong. Next time, I'd like to match mixed numbers with improper fractions.

Friday 14 October 2016

Personification Poem

The beach: Seaweed

The tides retreated like soldiers,
Pulling in the dancing seaweed.
Flat they lay on the crumbling sand,
All dried up like a sun dried raisin.

This is my personified paragraph on seaweed. We have been learning about personification this week and all it means is to give life to non-living things or animals with human like qualities.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Magic Number

In this game, I was given 9 numbers to make my magic square. First I had to find out what my magic number was so that I could figure out where to put all the numbers. I found this a little bit hard and needed some help from my friend Shanelle. Next time, I am going to attempt level 6.

Monday 10 October 2016

Maths Easttle Overall Score

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This is my latest maths e asttle results. As you can see I attempted level 4-5 in maths and got an overall score of 4B. I am kind of happy with my score because it is higher than a 3A. Next time I hope to get a 4P or 4A.