
Friday 19 August 2016

Making an Oragami Crane

This afternoon, Our Japanese teacher Mr Yamasaki came into our class and taught us how to make an origami Crane.

Monday 15 August 2016

Olympics Chalk Art

This afternoon, rooms 7 & 8 went outside to do our chalk art. We had been working on it for about two weeks and we finally got to do it. The weather was perfect for it, so we did it today. Our art was based on the 2016 olympics, so we had to draw any olympic sport. Before we got started, we had to draw a line on the chosen position that we would be in then, we had to draw the sport that we were doing around it. When we were finished, our teacher came around and took an aerial picture of us pretending to do our sport. I found it a bit difficult to draw but overall it was really fun, especially because it was an outdoor kind of art.