
Friday 30 May 2014

My Learning in Maths

My Learning in maths 30.5.14

Rm 12 maths work.jpg

This work here is what i did in Room 12, at glen innes school.
This work is what i did in my maths class because this year,
Glen innes school is doing their maths like how you would do it
at college, when you move to different classes to do maths,reading
or writing, that is what Glen innes school is doing from rooms 9-12 
years 5-8. And this maths here is what i have started in week 1-week 
4. It is 10 pages long but i completed it and now i can go on GAMES!! wipee!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

T-ball poems

T-ball poems
Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 12.20.50.png

Door Knocking knuckles
Letter V
Squash the bug
and eyes on the ball.
Nose, toes before throws,
and do the monkey swing.
One swing, chicken wing.
Legs apart, Knees bent, arms out, Bum’s out!
Screenshot 2014-05-28 at 12.43.54.pngScreenshot 2014-05-28 at 12.31.12.png

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Screenshot 2014-05-20 at 09.38.25.pngThis is a maths game that my maths teacher had set me for the day. This website is a good learning game that you can learn heaps from, and it is just like a competition.

I learnt how to answer fast from this game and that it is not always about winning, it’s just about trying so if you would like to have a try at this game and to see if you can answer questions real fast, simply type the following: Screenshot 2014-05-20 at 09.43.57.png

I hope that you enjoy this game as much as i do, and if you have a go and if you enjoy this game, you will be able to answer fast!!